During Friday’s broadcast of “First Take” on ESPN2, host Stephen A. Smith was discussing the boxing matchup between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao that is coming up on May 2.

Smith said that he believes if the match comes down to a decision, the judges would rob Mayweather and give it to Pacquiao in order to set up a rematch between the two boxers later down the road.

“You have so many people who so desperately want Floyd Mayweather to lose, that Manny Pacquiao would get the decision,” he said. “By virtue of that alone, I believe Roy Jones Jr. because I believe that the only way Floyd can win this fight is if Floyd takes him out because I think even if Floyd earned a decision, they would rob him of it because they want a sequel. That’s what I believe. I believe that. This is boxing, Skip. Don’t act like that’s farfetched. This is boxing. It’s happened many times and you know it.”

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