Sunday on ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” while discussing the Saturday’s evacuation of all remaining special forces troops amid the chaos erupting in Yemen, Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX) said the “developments in Yemen greatly disturb me because of their potential to attack the United States.”

McCaul said, “Yemen is one of the most dangerous spots in the world. They are responsible for the underwear bomber; five plots against the West in the last several years. They were tied to the Corazon Group in Syria to make bombs to blow up airplanes.”

He said withdrawing completely means “we will have no intelligence footprint or capabilities to monitor what AQAP and ISIS and the Shia militants are doing in the region. You know, good intelligence stops plots against the homeland. Without that intelligence, we cannot effectively stop it. That’s what I’m most concerned about.”

McCaul said, “And now we get Yemen. you know, all of  Northern Africa seems to be falling to this power vacuum that is being filled by the terrorists.”

He continued “I predict you’re going to see more and more of this shifting of al Qaeda fighters going over to ISIS because they are the game in town. So I think these developments in Yemen greatly disturb me, because of their potential to attack the United States.”

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