Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) said there is a “pervasive mindset” of “bias towards possibly granting deferred action” on Monday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

Tillis stated that the case of suspected multiple murderer Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez “has to do with the fact that apparently there were people at Homeland Security that either knew or should have known that he was involved in gang violence. We’re trying to get to the bottom of it, not only for this case, but for millions of other people who may be considered for deferred action under the president’s executive amnesty and continuing under the DACA policy.”

He added, “whether you agree or not with the president’s executive amnesty or the DACA program, we are concerned that there is this pervasive mindset that’s a bias towards possibly granting deferred action. And we can see in the case of Mr. Hernandez that came with tragic results.”

Tillis concluded “I think that now there’s a why not grant deferred action bias. And I think that that’s potentially dangerous because there are a number of people whose backgrounds we need to fully vet. And with the president’s executive amnesty from late last year, there’s going to be millions — more considered, and we think that represents a serious threat that needs to be looked at and convince the members of the senate and the Congress that there are safety checks in place, there are ways to identify these bad actors.”

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