On Saturday, the Fox News Channel’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine” host Judge Jeanine Pirro said that the US was “sleeping with” Iran while “spurning” its ally Israel.

“Why are we sleeping with the enemy, writing them love letters, dining with them in Swiss palaces while they chant ‘death to America,’ while they dance with the devil as the main sponsor of terrorism and death around the world? Why are we so desperate to put a ring on Iran’s finger, and engage them on the nuclear issue, all the while, spurning our one loyal and true ally, Israel?” she wondered.

Pirro added, “Mr. President, we say America’s goal is to defeat terrorism, to advance democracy and human rights around the world. So why, Mr. President, would you insist on dancing with the devil? Why isn’t our one true ally, Israel, or Egypt on your dance card? More American blood has been spilled by Iran and terrorism it sponsors in the Middle East than by any other country. Iran says it’s within its rights to enrich uranium. That’s like saying a proven mass murderer living next to a daycare center has the right to buy as many AK-47s as he wants. Mr. president, America needs to stop sleeping with the enemy, dancing with the devil, and writing love letters to those who want to kill us. This love story isn’t going to end the way you think it is. It’s time to break off the engagement.”

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