Crystal O’Connor, whose family owns Memories Pizzeria, in Walkerton, IN, vowed that the store will re-open despite the backlash it has faced on Thursday’s “Cavuto” on the Fox Business Network.

“We have decided that we will re-open again” O’Connor declared, although she couldn’t give a specific timeline. She continued, “I’m still shaken about — over this and I’ll be the one that’s serving the customers and answering phones. And I’m not ready to face that yet. But it will be soon.”

O’Connor also re-iterated the family’s position that they would not refuse all service to someone based on their sexual orientation, and only object to providing catering to a same-sex wedding. She said “anyone is welcome in the store, it’s against our belief — to cater to their wedding. We’re condoning that if we do that, and that is against our religion.” And that they have no objection to letting gay people in their store and serving them, only to participating in a same-sex marriage ceremony.

She added, “it’s not at all hateful, we show no hatred towards them, we just — we ask that they respect, as we have to allow the way they believe, we just ask that they respect the way we believe.” And that the family was “very thankful” for the support and donations they have received.

O’Connor also told Cavuto, that she wasn’t bitter or angry towards the shop’s detractors, “all you can do is pray for them, and truly, we’re not really angry at them. We’re sad for them.”

She concluded “we have to accept them [gay people], and we just ask that they accept us.”

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