Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh stated that the left has a “fear and hatred of Christianity” on Monday.

Rush said that he thought it was odd that people on the left seem to believe Pope Francis I agrees with them on many issues, “even though they hate religion, even though they’re frightened of it, even though they’re scared to death of it, which is the real truth of it all, they so desperately want the pope to be one of them. It’s one of the most amazing psychological things, I think. Modern leftists, particularly modern really extreme leftists — I mean, most of the culture war that is occurring in this country and has been going on for 30 years, if the truth be known, at the root of it is a fear and hatred of Christianity and religion in general, Christianity specifically, but religion in general.”

He continued, “that is what people on the left just have the biggest struggle with. It’s a giant enemy. It’s a powerful enemy, an enemy they have no control over, an enemy they will never be able to dominate, an enemy they will never be able to obliterate and they know it, but they nevertheless try.”

Rush then turned to a piece by Dave Weigel about the polling data on RFRA laws showing that Democrats are on the “wrong side of public polling” in their opposition to RFRA laws, stating “that’s not what the Democrats want to see. That’s not what the militant left wants….In other words, whatever happened in Indiana, it’s not the majority position in this country. It’s the minority position. The polling indicates it. Weigel’s trying to point it out to Democrats, ‘Hey, look, you don’t own this issue. Most people agree with the pizzeria owner in Walkerton. Most people do not agree with us walking in there and trying to shut ’em down.'”

Rush concluded, “the mainstream media, gay activists, civil rights activists, you name it, are trying to make it look like the vast majority of Americans agree that Indiana is a backward, racist, bigot, homophobic state, and they want them penalized. And Marist says it’s not even close to being true. It’s the exact opposite.”

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