Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said that the New York Times op-ed by Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif  “looks like a regular editorial from the New York Times editors” on Tuesday.

Rush said, “did you see where Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, has an op-ed in the New York Times? I kid you not. The Iranian foreign minister is considered an ally by the New York Times’ op-ed page. You see, ladies and gentlemen, there is so much controversy over the Iranian nuclear deal that Obama’s putting together that the New York Times — hoping to facilitate things for Obama — offers op-ed space to the Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif. And when you skim this thing, it looks like a regular editorial from the New York Times’ editors. Just like when old Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used to say rotten things about America, it sounded exactly like your average Democrat on the campaign trail. Well, I’m not kidding you. This op-ed by the Iranian foreign minister reads like it was a standard New York Times editorial, and it’s incredible. They’ve given space to this guy, as an ally, to help promote the deal. And naturally, the enemies are Republicans, and anybody else who opposes Iran getting nuclear weapons, and the good guys are anybody and all people on the side of Iran getting nuclear weapons.”

Rush then reacted to a piece by Eli Lake that the White House knew for years the Iran’s nuclear breakout time was only three months, but only released that information at the beginning of this month, stating “Now the Regime has admitted that they’re only two to three months away — and now they’re using that to pressure everybody else into agreeing with Obama on the deal, because now apparently Iran getting a nuke in three months, why, that’s not good.”

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