MSNBC’s “All In” host Chris Hayes and advocate Dan Savage criticized the “gross” “delight” over the Josh Duggar child molestation revelations on Friday.

Savage said that while the Duggars engaged in “hypocrisy,” and criticized them for “demonizing LGBT people,” he added, “And the other thing I think to remember, and I’ve been following this on Twitter and online, there’s, I believe, a discomforting expression of almost unalloyed delight on the part of some people that I agree with, politically, people on the left, I’m on the left. We have to remember as we talk about this, that five little girls — at least five little girls — were abused and molested and there’s nothing here to take delight in or to celebrate.”

Hayes agreed, saying that he found the tone of some of the reaction, “pretty gross.”

(h/t Right Scoop)

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