Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh argued that “odds are the United States is gonna take it in the shorts” on TPA and TPP on Friday.

Rush, after agreeing with a caller that there is a large deal hypocrisy on the part of Democrats like Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren complaining about the administration’s lack of trade transparency while supporting its opaqueness on Obamacare stated, “Since it’s an Obama deal, the odds are it isn’t good. Since it’s an Obama deal, the odds are the United States is gonna take it in the shorts, as we have on so much of the Obama agenda, both domestic and foreign policy. One of the things, and there are many, and by the way, this — it hasn’t changed. They would not allow any of this deal to be made public. Members of Congress, House and Senate, had to go to a private room to read it. They were not allowed to take any notes. Well, they could take notes. They couldn’t leave with their notes. They were not allowed to tell anybody what they read.”

Rush added, “Jeff Sessions had a massive op-ed piece and floor speech in the Senate about this. It’s a disaster, just on that basis alone. It’s not how things happen in this country. One of the things, Cybercast News Service just posted a story that the trade deal…will eliminate, eliminate trade barriers with North Vietnam — well, Vietnam. Vietnam is a communist regime. It’s running a $24.9 billion trade deficit with the US, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership that Obama is negotiating with 11 other nations seeks to eliminate both tariff and non-tariff trade barriers with these countries.”

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