Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh argued that the violence in Baltimore is the result of “the Obama administration’s theory on policing” on Tuesday.

Rush began by declaring, “This is what the Regime preaches. This is what liberalism is teaching, is the cops are the problem, the cops are the reason there are protests. The cops’ presence during protests make the protests violent.  But in Cleveland they went in, they started arresting people right off the bat and shut this thing down, pretty much.  That, of course, is not being reported in that context, either.”

After discussing Cleveland’s settlement with the Justice Department over police practices, he stated, “The danger here is that the Obama administration’s theory on policing is gonna lead to — look at Baltimore. You take the cops off the street under the premise that they’re the problem, you make them retreat. Whenever protests spring up, the cops have to back off and let ’em have at it for a while, otherwise, they’re even madder. You provoke ’em and they do even more damage. And the unspoken message is that it’s the police who are to blame, it’s the police department’s fault, and the DOJ has to go in and reconstitute these police departments and put restrictions on them that basically handcuffs them.”

He then cited a Daily Caller piece regarding the number of shootings in the city, and said, “This is after fixing the Freddie Gray problem. This is after charging six cops with various degrees of murder and manslaughter. That was supposed to stop the riots. That was supposed to shut people down. That was supposed to tell ’em, ‘Okay, we’re on your side. We’ve heard you. This is no justice, no peace, well, we heard you. We’re doing it.’ And instead, the shootings, the deaths, just continue at a record pace after the fix. And make no mistake. Charging six cops with various degrees of murder and manslaughter was a fix. It was supposed to quell the riots.”

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