Tuesday on Fox News Radio’s “The Alan Colmes Show,” Ann Coulter, author of “¡Adios, America! — The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole,” discussed Caitlin Jenner and said transgender behavior is a form mental illness centered in ones self-perception akin to anorexia.

“Liberals are always — you know, science, science and conservatives don’t believe in science,” Coulter said. “This Bruce Jenner still has Y chromosomes in every cell of his body. Do not tell me he is a girl. And I’ve checked with all my gay friends and they all say if he didn’t cut it off, he’s still a man.”

She continued, “I think he just wants to be in the news like the rest of that crazy family.”

In her comparison of being transgender to other self-perception delusions, Coulter explained, “If it’s real, it is a mental illness and I don’t think we should be celebrating and laughing about it. A lot of my friends in New York are doctors and they have been telling me about residencies they had. Like residencies where they go though each different anesthesiology and they get to the psych ward for that period of the residency. At least one of them had a black woman who thought the she was Chinese. Every once in a while and she would give herself a Chinese name, and cut her hair, and speak in some weird gibberish that sounded so much like Chinese they had to bring in a native Chinese speaker to establish she is not speaking Chinese. That’s called a mental illness. She thinks she was born into a Chinese body.”

“It’s the same thing with anorexics,” Coulter continued. “Anorexics are dying and they think they are too fat. That is a mental problem. I’m not saying they should be in straight jackets I’m not trying to insult them I’m just stating a fact this is a mental problem.”

When host Alan Colmes protested saying “mental” was harsh preferring emotional issue, instead, Coulter said, “Well OK, if you want to call it emotional. I’m just saying how ever you want to categorize,  it I don’t think its much different from the black woman in the psych ward. I don’t think it is different from an Anorexics who is already terribly thin looking in a mirror and thinking, ‘I feel fat.’ Yes they really feel that way, but they aren’t. Bruce Jenner is not a woman. Every cell in his body is the cell of a man.”

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