GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis argued that “where we start to get into a slippery slope around religion is when we start to deny services that are far-reaching outside of the church or the place of worship” on Friday’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on MSNBC.

Ellis was asked by host Thomas Roberts about the US military granting exceptions for chaplains who do not wish to perform same-sex marriages based on their religious beliefs, she said, “I think where we start to get into a slippery slope around religion is when we start to deny services that are far-reaching outside of the church or the place of worship. And so when people aren’t serving cakes or — it can even be much more extreme, not performing medically important services. That’s where we get into some really slippery slopes. So I do think that, you know, we’re seeing more and more leaders in the faith community coming out on the right side of this issue, and understanding that love is love and that homosexuality is not a sin. So, I think that as we move forward, we know that when marriage equality becomes the law of the land, acceptance for the LGBT community will inch forward with that. So, I’m excited to see acceptance move forward. We have a long way to go till full acceptance, but I think that we’ll start to see it more and more in the faith communities as well.”

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