Former UN Ambassador John Bolton declared the US’ dealings with Iran on its nuclear program “an American Munich, and whatever form of words is used to paper it over, we’ve given away the most important points” on Tuesday’s “America’s Newsroom” on the Fox News Channel

Bolton stated, “I think indeed everything we heard from the talks for the last two years is that Iran has succeeded against Secretary Kerry in making concessions that really don’t effect its key aspects of its nuclear program, all in the goal to get the sanctions lifted, which they’re very close to doing.” And “For Iran signing this deal is a just rest stop between negotiations. So all of these provisions about inspections, sanctions, snapping back, really are just a prelude to more negotiations. And in fact, we know from the sanctions discussion that the administration itself has put out that they’re talking about more committees after the deal is signed to discuss implementation. This is going to go on forever.

Bolton added that “inspections anytime, anywhere” “will not be in the deal. Iran will not agree to it, and we will, acquiesce on Iran’s position.”

He later stated, “This deal is an American Munich, and whatever form of words is used to paper it over, we’ve given away the most important points. And I think, in that sense, the Iranians know that. They’re — right now, they’re pushing for a few more concessions and they’ll probably get them as well.”

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