Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “MediaBuzz,” Republican presidential candidate and billionaire  business mogul Donald Trump addressed his controversial comments on some Mexican immigrants being rapist and murderers said he was simply commenting on media reports on border crime, therefore he “can never apologize for the truth.”

Host Howard Kurtz asked if he should apologize.

Trump replied, “I don’t have to say that. Look, the Mexican border is a sieve. People are pouring into our country. We don’t know who they are, where they are, they come from all over the world, not just Mexicans. I employ thousands of Mexicans. I’ve employed over the years many thousands of Mexicans. I love the Mexican people. They’re fantastic. Everybody knows that. In terms of the border, it’s a disgrace. either we have a border or we don’t have a country. You can’t have a country without borders. People are coming in and some of those people — I read it even yesterday there was a huge article about the tremendous crime that’s taking place. It’s like a crime wave. One of the most dangerous places on earth. And I bring that up all of a sudden I’m a bad person.”

“I read an article yesterday from “Fusion” which is owned by Univision talking about women that cross the border are being raped. Many of them, a tremendous percentage, 80 percent, that’s hard to believe it could be 80% they said the women coming across the border are raped. This is done by “Fusion” printed in “The Huffington Post” no friend of mine and I use the word rape and all of a sudden everyone goes crazy. It says 80% of the women — which hard to believe to be honest with you — so I can never apologize for the truth. I don’t mind apologizing for things. I can’t apologize for the truth. I said tremendous crime is coming across. Everybody knows that’s true. It’s happening all the time. When I mention crime, I’m a racist? I’m not a racist. I don’t have a racist bone in my body. ”

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