On Wednesday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File,” Ann Coulter, author of “¡Adios, America! — The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole,” reacted to a recent string of crimes committed by an illegal alien, which included the attempted rape of an underage girl.

According to Coulter, this was the norm and not the exception, which emphasized the need for a stricter immigration policy.

“This has been going on all the time,” she said. “All the time. All the time. The last few days I have been tweeting out stories. You know, you have to get to the bottom of the story. Another murder, another child rape. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a wall on the border? And by the way, he didn’t apparently have enough of a record. He would be on his way to a path to legalization if the House it taken up Rubio’s bill.”

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