HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher wondered, “can we be trusted?” And argued that “We cannot always operate from the beginning of, ‘We’re the good people'” during a discussion on the Iran deal on Friday.

Maher said, “can Iran be trusted? As you [Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (Ret.)] just pointed out, can we be trusted? ‘Can they be trusted?’ Says the country that fomented a coup in Iran in 1953. You know, I saw we were at — I mentioned opening the embassy in Cuba, and I noticed the Republicans are very upset that Cuban dissidents were not allowed. Well, it is an embassy opening. Kerry’s meeting with them right after. But one of the Cubans said, [paraphrasing] ‘Well, you know, the people who are torturing on the island of Cuba, are us at Guantanamo Bay. And we don’t have racial prejudice here in Cuba.’ So, you know, America is not blameless. We cannot always operate from the beginning of, ‘We’re the good people. Everybody else just do what we say.'”

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