HBO host Bill Maher argued, “We have just friendly people south of our border, who want to come here and exploit us by picking our fruit” on Friday’s “Real Time.”

Maher said, “the right-wing parties in Europe are getting stronger, and it’s — a lot of it is because the liberals had their eyes shut about this issue for a long time. It’s not my fault. But it’s so interesting that, you know, Europe has a really nasty immigration problem that can be violent. We have just friendly people south of our border, who want to come here and exploit us by picking our fruit.”

He continued, “And the racism out of Trump camp is getting really kind of nasty. ‘Get out of my country’ is what his bodyguard said to Jorge Ramos. Trump said, ‘Go back to Univision.’ He said the man was very emotional. These are not that coded code words. Those two guys in Boston, last week, who kicked the sh*t of an immigrant and then said Trump was right. He — Donald trump was in Alabama last week. Here’s what one of his supporters said after the rally. He said, hopefully if Trump’s elected president, he’ll make the border a vacation spot that’s going to cost you $25 for a permit, and then you get $50 for every confirmed kill.”

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