HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher argued that some Republican presidential candidates have “terrorist-y” abortion views on Friday.

Maher, after arguing that Hillary Clinton wasn’t comparing Republican candidates to terrorists, said, “considering that there are now three — and by the way the Republicans are threatening to shut down the government over Planned Parenthood clinics. there are three republicans now, Walker, Huckabee and Rubio, who have taken the abortion debate to a place from I think, extremism to absolutism, where they’re saying even in the case of the life of the mother, we do not commit — we do not perform an abortion. That is a little, I’m sorry, but terrorist-y.”

Later in the segment, after Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said Planned Parenthood was selling body parts, Maher objected, “They’re not body parts. Their fetal tissue. ‘Body parts,’ you make it sound like Frankenstein is in there.”

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