Columnist Pat Buchanan argued, “you are going to have an immense flood of refugees from all over the world, or from Africa and the Middle East, unless you call a halt to it in Europe” on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group.”

Buchanan stated, “We have over 40 million people in the United States who were born abroad already. We have 11 million to 12 million illegal aliens. We’ve taken 70,000 asylum seekers every year. There are 4 million refugees outside of Syria, John. I don’t think it is first and foremost our moral responsibility to bring them to the United States. I do think we can and should help. But look, they are outside the terror situation, which is Syria. They’re in Jordan. They’re in Lebanon. They’re in Turkey. And the first port of call after these places when they leave, is Europe. But the key point here is, John, you — all of the world, Africa, and North Africa, and Syria’s refugees are watching and they see Europe opening its doors, you are going to have an immense flood of refugees from all over the world, or from Africa and the Middle East, unless you call a halt to it in Europe. And the United States can begin that by saying, ‘We will help them where they are, but we are not taking in scores of thousands, or hundreds of thousands.'”

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