Thursday on CNN’s “Wolf,” when asked about Pope Francis’s comments on the moral obligation to help refugees from Syria, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) said, “I don’t want children at a parade or a sporting event being blown apart by terrorists we allowed into the county.”

King said,”I don’t agree on some of the political decisions he [the Pope] makes, I certainly agree on the moral component to it. On the refugees crisis I think we do have an obligation to refugees. I supported the boat people. I supported Bosnian refugees in the 1990s coming to this country. My concern with the Syrian refugees is whatever we do has to be done in a way where we are not going to be allowing terrorists in. Because this is different from previous cases. There are no databases and we know ISIS is trying to bring terrorists into Europe and also into our country. So I have an obligation also — the Pope says look out for children — I don’t want children at a parade or a sporting event being blown apart by terrorists we allowed into the county. That’s the balance we have to strike.”

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