Columnist Pat Buchanan gave House Speaker Representative John Boehner “A for effort,” but that the GOP “is deeply divided” on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group.”

Buchanan stated, “I think, John, he’s a good man who did the best he could, and he’s got a — we’ve been talking previously about a schism. There is a schism in the Republican Party. He was facing rebellion, which could have successfully taken 30, 35, 40 votes away from him, which would have forced him to go to the Democrats to become speaker, and so he decided, don’t go through this, pull out now. He had a wonderful day with the pope, and I would rate the guy, who’s he certainly gets A for effort, but I — difficult to say, but the Values Voters Summit, these conservatives, they heard the news of Boehner’s resignation, standing, roaring ovation. That’s the problem with which he’s got to deal. The Republican Party, John, is deeply divided.”

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