Columnist Pat Buchanan predicted that the debate on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would be after the “early primaries” and the deal “is in real trouble” on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group.”

Buchanan said, “These are trade deals put together by transnational corporations and trade ministries to globalize the world economy, basically to enable these powerful corporations to move their factories and plants out of countries where the wages are high, to countries where the wages are low, so they can bring their products back…free of charge into the United States. In the last month, our trade deficit’s running at 600 billion overall this year, and with China at $400 billion, John. But I will you this, the forces that oppose these transnational trade deals are getting stronger and stronger. Not only [Sen.] Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party, but Mr. Trump in the Republican Party, this deal is in real trouble, and I predict that they’re going to have to throw the deal — the discussion in the House — or the Congress over past — certainly past the early primaries.”

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