Trymaine Lee reported on MSNBC’s “Up” Saturday live from the scene of the Millions for Justice March in Washington, D.C., calling it a march for those that are “disenfranchised.”

According to Lee, the theme of this year’s march is “Justice or Else” because Louis Farrakhan says they are at a “tipping point” of black men being abused by a “system of white supremacy.”

“This march is about a call for justice or else. We are wrestling with this national conversation about what many consider a wide system of police brutality and abuse against black men, unarmed black men, especially. Already here as the sun was setting, you could see thousands of people, members of the nation of Islam, members of different church groups, families, men and women. What’s different is last time it was specifically aimed at black men, a day of atonement, a day of reconciliation, but now you have Native American groups who have come from all across the country,  you have Hispanics, disenfranchised people from across different demographics.”

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