HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher argued that terrorists “hare ideas with lots of mainstream people who follow the Islamic religion” and liberals have to declare “No quarter” for those ideas on Monday’s broadcast of CBS’ “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”

Maher began by criticizing Republican rhetoric about ISIS, stating, “they talk about wiping them out. … That’s crazy, and I mean just the idea that you can wipe them out.Tthis is the old Vietnam model, body counts.” Maher also particularly criticized GOP presidential candidate Texas Senator Ted Cruz as “chickenhawk with a law degree.”

He added, “you can’t wipe people out, off the map. That’s not going to happen. What you have to do is wipe out the idea. It would be one thing if the terrorists did not share ideas with lots of mainstream people who follow the Islamic religion, but they do. Unfortunately, if I said to you, ‘Well, if only ISIS believed that anyone who leaves the religion should be killed.’ Well, maybe then we can finally kill all of ISIS, but what if that’s 20, 30, 40% of all Muslim people in the world> You’re not going to kill all of them, are you?”

Maher concluded, “We have to change those ideas, women as second class citizens, gay people don’t deserve to be alive. these are mainstream ideas, unfortunately. And liberals have to say, ‘No quarter, no quarter for those kind of ideas.'”

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