On Wednesday’s “Russillo & Kanell” on ESPN News, co-host and analyst Danny Kanell discussed the backlash he faced for a series of tweets he sent out on Twitter earlier this week regarding a “war on football” op-ed by The New York Times


The former Florida State University quarterback said he caught a lot of flack on Twitter for referring to The New York Times as “liberal media,” as well as for noting the “war on football” going on regarding concussions.

“What I’ve learned over the last 24 hours, and it’s really kind of depressing when you think about our country, where we are politically. I used the term ‘war on football’ and I used the term ‘liberal media,’ which that is probably the one that set people off the most.”

“People judged me based off 144 characters and probably even to the two words of ‘liberal media.’ The fact I used that term set people off against me. A state of where we are and how much hatred people can have because they make assumptions about me as a person,” he continued.

Kanell then concluded, “According to Twitter, I think what people imagine me being last night was cleaning my guns, fighting against global warming, stumping for Donald Trump and reading my Bible. That was the assumptions they made about me based on two words from my tweet.”

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