Columnist Charles Krauthammer predicted that Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be “either indicted, or there’s a criminal referral somehow squashed by the higher ups” for her email practices on Thursday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

Krauthammer said, [relevant remarks begin around 4:20] “The ultimate irony is that the reason she embarked on all of this was to hide her communications from the world, from the Freedom of Information Act, from the Congress. That was the point. There’s no other point in doing this. It’s meant to evade subpoenas, inquiries, congressional Committees. And now it’s all over the — I mean, everything is out there. we know that 22 of these were extremely highly secret.”

He added, “I think she gets either indicted, or there’s a criminal referral somehow squashed by the higher ups. I can’t see her getting away from this with nothing.”

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