Tuesday during a town hall broadcasted on CNN, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump predicted he would reach the 1,237 delegate threshold to get the majority he needs to secure the GOP’s nomination.

Trump told moderator Anderson Cooper he anticipates New York and California will go his way and that’ll will be what puts him over the edge.  He also reiterated that he had gotten to this point by spending his own money.

“I think I’ll get to 1,237,” Trump declared. “I think we’re — you know, we’re going to do very well in New York. And as I said before, some of the states around that we’re going to be in next. I think we should do really well in California. I think we’ll get to the 1,237.  Look, this has been an amazing process. And, you know, again, I said at the beginning, but I’ll say it again, I’m spending my own money. And I understand politicians; I understand what motivates them. The thing that motivates them are special interests and their lobbyists. And they won’t do the right thing. The people that are really getting them are the people that give them money.”

“And by my not taking money from all of these special interests, I’m going to be able to do the right thing for the people,” he added. “They do so many bad deals and people think, oh, why are they so stupid? They’re not stupid. They’re doing it because they’re told to do it by the people that give them money. That’s why, whether it’s Ted Cruz or others, I mean, I will tell you, they’re not going to do the right thing for the country. And it just is the way politics works. And nobody knows the system better than I do.”

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