Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders stated that he would “end the deportations that we’re seeing right now” during a town hall on MSNBC on Monday.

Sanders said, in response to a question from a woman who told him that her parents were illegal immigrants, “I believe, absolutely, that we have to move aggressively toward comprehensive immigration reform. My dad was an immigrant. He came to this country at the age of 17. I know a little bit about the immigrant experience. Comprehensive immigration reform, and a path towards citizenship, now, my concern is that if Congress does not do what it should do, and pass that legislation, I will pick up where President Obama left office, and use the executive powers of the presidency to do everything that I can to make your parents safe in this country and not afraid. And the other thing that I will do, where I do disagree with President Obama, I will end the deportations that we’re seeing right now.”

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