Wednesday on WABC Radio’s “Election Central with Rita Cosby,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), a former Republican presidential candidate, said front-runner Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech today was at times “unnerving” and “pathetic,” and also was “scary it terms of its construct.”

Graham said, “He has no understanding of the world and the role we play,” adding, “This is worse than Obama. Obama is seen in by the region in the Mid East as being an unreliable partner. I think the entire world is going to look at Donald Trump as guy who doesn’t understand the role of America.”

He continued, “This speech was unnerving, it was pathetic in its content, and it was scary in terms of its construct. If you had any doubt that Donald Trump is not fit to be Commander in Chief, this speech should’ve removed it. It took every problem and fear I have with Donald Trump and put in on steroids.”

He added, “Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave after this speech.”

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