Wednesday on Fox News Channel’ s “Fox & Friends,” network political contributor Karl Rove, the former campaign strategist and deputy chief of staff for President George W. Bush, dismissed the relevance of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) being mathematically eliminated from securing a majority of 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican presidential nomination prior to July’s convention.

Rove speculated that some of the delegates committed to GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on the first ballot at the convention won’t vote for him on later ballots, which could prevent him from becoming the party’s nominee.

“That’s not really important,” Rove said of Cruz’s mathematical elimination. “Trump dismisses the multiple candidate, uses it for as an excuse, saying, ‘Well, I didn’t get 50 percent of the vote until the 39th contest until there were so many candidates’ and yet he turns around and says, ‘Well, you can’t — Cruz can’t get there because there are multiple candidates.’ Well, you know, it is what it is. The question is can Trump get there and can the ‘not Trump’ forces keep him from getting there? Because I think everyone agrees, on the second ballot he’ll bleed. There are people who are being elected to the state conventions who are legally committed to him for the first or the second or the third ballot who will not be for him.”

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