On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf,” Representative Peter King (R-NY) expressed agreement former House Speaker John Boehner’s declaration that GOP presidential candidate Texas Senator Ted Cruz is “Lucifer in the flesh,” adding “maybe he gives Lucifer a bad name by comparing him to Ted Cruz.”

King said, “I fully agree with John Boehner, and maybe he gives Lucifer a bad name by comparing him to Ted Cruz. Listen, what John Boehner was most concerned about was, Ted Cruz perpetrated a fraud and a hoax when he brought about the shutdown of the government on some kind of a vague promise that he was going to be able to take Obamacare out of the budget, or to end Obamacare. Ted Cruz knew it would never work — that it was never going to work, but he went ahead and did it anyway, shut down the government, cost the government money, served no purpose whatsoever, other than to boost his name identification. So, I agree with John Boehner on that.”

King, who gave a mixed review of GOP candidate Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech, also praised Cruz’s selection of Carly Fiorina as his running mate, and said he’ll support the nominee of the party, but that Trump needs to flesh his policies out more.

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