Filmmaker Michael Moore argued that the handling of the Flint water crisis was “a hate crime. It was a hate crime based on this race hatred of this particular party” on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.”

Moore said, “Within a few months, they realized they were poisoning people, and the word came down, don’t say anything, doctor the books, and they let people continue to drink this water, and did nothing about it. And I think that is a crime. And they did it, because it’s a black city, it’s a poor city. … This was a hate crime. It was a hate crime based on this race hatred of this particular party.”

After host Bill Maher countered that there have been environmental disasters in white cities, Moore responded that those have been met with immediate responses by the government, while Flint wasn’t.

Moor further stated, “I’m very upset that President Obama went there and drank a glass of water, and said it’s okay everybody, to drink the water. It was just a stunning, sad thing to see happen. … Nobody’s going to worry about it. … [I]t’s really shameful that he did that.

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