Columnist Charles Krauthammer argued that the New York Times’ story about presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s treatment of women was an “own goal” while for Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “the big scandal is not the emails, necessarily, but it is the scandal having to do with the so-called charity, which is really a slush fund” and “if you were deleting emails, what you’d want to delete is any evidence of favoritism, or the of this [supposed] charitable money for self-dealing” on Monday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.

Krauthammer stated, [relevant exchange begins around 3:45] “We’ve developed these so-called objective standards, which people, at least in the press, they want to appear to adhere to. they don’t. we know the mainstream media is liberal and biased against conservative[s].”

He added that the New York Times‘ story about Trump’s private life with women is “a classic example of what they say in soccer, own goal. They scored upon themselves. The winner here was Trump because the headline is, Trump challenges New York Times, and the woman supposedly who’s in the middle of this supports Trump. So, there’s no question that he turned it around on them. But, to me, the entire story from the beginning was totally lukewarm and uninformative. This is supposed to be behind the scenes, the real hidden secret Trump, how he deals with women. What do you get from it? He treats some well. He treated some boorishly. Now how is that different from how Trump a public man, has in public treated women?”

Krauthammer concluded by saying of the Clintons, “the big scandal is not the emails, necessarily, but it is the scandal having to do with the so-called charity, which is really a slush fund, hiring the hangers-on, doing favors, or what appear to be favors, and that’s the real story. The — I’ve speculated, this is pure speculation, but I’ve wondered what was in the 30,000 emails that she deleted. She said it had to do with wedding preparations, and all this stuff. I suspect if those were ever recovered, if you were deleting emails, what you’d want to delete is any evidence of favoritism, or the of this [supposed] charitable money for self-dealing. I don’t know what’s in there. The press has touched on this here and there. but the real story is the gigantic slush fund, that we know was used by the Clintons to advance themselves. Yes, a few good causes, but if you wanted to help the victims of Haiti’s earthquake, you wouldn’t actually think the best place to do it is to pick up the phone and to call the Clintons. You might actually call the Haitian embassy and gave the money directly. If you gave it indirectly, there’s a reason.”

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