Friday on PBS’s “NewsHour,” while discussing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) tepid endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, New York Times columnist David Brooks declared, “Donald Trump is the definition of downside.”

Brooks said, “I think morally, it was a sad day for Paul Ryan to do that. I don’t think his principles are there in what he said. I think politically, it was also sad day. If Donald Trump hangs in and is competitive in the fall, then maybe what Paul Ryan did was good for House Republicans. But Donald Trump is the definition of downside, lots of bad things can happen and he could do horribly.”

“And if he does horribly in the fall, it would have been nice if Republicans could say we got some distance between us and that guy,” he continued. “And you could get a lot of people who would not vote for Donald Trump be a lot happier for voting for Republicans down ballot.  So I think some distance would have been better than this plea for unity.”

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