Monday on CNN’s “The Lead,” National Review writer David French, whose name was floated as a potential third-party candidate but has since ruled out that possibility, said presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was “in the business of racial division.”

When asked who should step up to run against Trump French said,”You know, there are a number and I think this is an excellent moment for one of the many, very popular GOP governors to step up. To say that they have experienced uniting people, not dividing people. As we just saw from this Mexican judge controversy. He’s an American judge, not a Mexican judge. As we’ve seen from that controversy, Donald Trump is in the business of racial division. He is in the business of turning Americans against other Americans. This is antithetical to the party of Lincoln. And I am sorry GOP officials, all of you who are now reacting  with outrage. Unless you’re retracting your endorsement of him, he’s still your guy. You are tainted by that and, frankly, it’s embarrassing and it is shameful.”

He added, “Why would anyone believe a word that comes out of that man’s mouth? I mean, honestly, is there a single, credible, rational argument that he tells the truth? He contradicts himself by the minute. Let’s take the Supreme Court issue. When he articulated his list — and that was a pretty good list — what did he follow it up with? With a tweet saying, well, there might be more people to add. We have no idea. Whatever his policy is, he makes it up on the fly and contradicts his own website. I served in Iraq and we fought the precursor to ISIS, they called themselves the Islamic Caliphate of Iraq. He says he’s going to commit war crimes, ordering Americans to commit war crimes. He says he’s going to have a secret plan. That he’s not going to tell anybody about. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He contradicts himself day by day. No one can believe a word that he says. Why would you think that he would appoint good judges? Why would you think he would have a rational foreign policy?”

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