Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” while discussing a movement among some delegates to the Republican convention to attempt to get presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump off the ballot, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) declared there will not be a “revolt.”

Sessions said, “Well, I don’t think that has any chance whatsoever. Somebody said they could have as many as 30 people. Sell, they have 2,400 delegates. He’s going to win this nomination clearly. What I would say to my people that are seeking unity, you need also to listen to the American people. Shy don’t we acknowledge that these trade deals haven’t worked so well as Donald Trump says. Why don’t we acknowledge that immigration is now in a lawless state and needs to restored.”

He added, “Well there’s not going to be a revolt, But I would say that the administration, that Trump campaign is definitely reaching out. We’ve had a number of meetings, a number of meetings with the Republican senate leadership, house members, congressman Ron, Mitch McConnell, multiple phone calls and discussions. But I would just urge them to watch what happened in this election. The American people don’t want another 5,000-page trade deal. They want an end of lawlessness and immigration. They want the United States to be careful about what wars it gets into and they want an end to gridlock in Washington.”

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