According to a Dallas CBS report, more than 30 were burned Thursday night while attending a Tony Robbins seminar after the motivational speaker had them walk on hot coals.

Dallas Fire-Rescue and ambulances assisted over 30 injured attendees as they left the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center just after 11 p.m. Five had to be taken to the Parkland Hospital Burn Center.

Apparently, as part of a motivational event being held at the location, several people attempted to walk across hot coals,” Dallas Fire-Rescue spokesman Jason Evans told CBS Dallas. “As a result, a large number of these people sustained burn injuries to their feet and lower extremities.”

Robbins Research International issued the following statement regarding the incident:

“In Dallas tonight, someone not familiar with the fire walk observed the event and called 911 erroneously reporting hundreds of people requiring medical attention for severe burns. While we are grateful to the quick and robust response from Dallas emergency services, only 5 of 7,000 participants requested any examination beyond what was readily available on site.  We are pleased to have completed another successful fire walk for 7,000 guests and look forward to the remainder of an outstanding weekend with them.”

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