During a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts on Tuesday, author and former Customs and Border Protection officer Philip Haney testified about multiple purges of law enforcement records of information that had to do with the Muslim Brotherhood and “both to the San Bernardino mosque…and the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, down in Florida.”

Haney said that between 2008 and 2016, “came what I call the first rate purge, when I was ordered by the Department of Homeland Security headquarters to modify a euphemism, removing all linking information out of approximately 820 text subject records in our law enforcement system that almost exclusively had to do with [the] Muslim Brotherhood network here in the United States. I was told to remove all unauthorized references to terrorism, that I was no longer allowed to do what are called Memorandoms of Information Received, what we call MOIRs, no more text records, no more research, and no more special treatment from the agency. But during that time, hundreds of law enforcement actions had been taken, in the three year period when those 820+ records were still in the law enforcement system.”

He added, “At exactly the same time, a controversial inaugural meeting took place on January 27th and 28th, 2010, between American Muslim leaders and the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, which was hosted by the Department of Homeland Security [Office for] Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. It was controversial, because several of the individuals [who] attended the invitation-only conference in DC were known affiliates of at least two of the same Muslim Brotherhood front groups that had just been named as unindicted co-conspirators in the largest terrorism trial in the history of the United States, the Holy Land Foundation trial. Also that spring, at least six individuals with known affiliations to the Muslim Brotherhood front groups were appointed to the Countering Violent Extremism, CVE, Working Group, which was convened under the authority of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.”

Haney later stated, “By the spring of 2010, we had come to the point that a CBP officer was literally moving linking information, meaning the dots, on Muslim Brotherhood-linked individuals from text while the administration was bringing the very same individuals in to positions of influence, to help create and implement our counterterrorism policy, both in the domestic arena, and in the foreign policy arena, as evidenced in our overt support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya, Algeria, and Syria.”

He further said, “I began a TDY assignment, meaning temporary duty, at the National Targeting Center, in November of 2011. Within six months, we had instituted 1,200 law enforcement actions on the case that we had started, but in September of 2012, what I call the second great purge, when the administration removed 67 linking records out of that case, that had direct ties, both to the San Bernardino mosque…and the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, down in Florida. In other words, the network that we had worked on at NTC is tied directly to the terrorist attacks that we’ve seen recently.”

Haney concluded, “[T]he threat of Islamic terrorism does not just come from a network of armed organizations such as Hamas and ISIS, who are operating over there somewhere in the Middle East. In fact, branches of the same global network have been established here in America, and they are operating in plain sight, especially among those of us who have been charged with the duty of protecting our country from threats both foreign and domestic. The goal, meaning the strategy of the global Islamic movement is…to establish Sharia Law everywhere in the world, including here in America. … The threat that we faced today, that continues growing, despite the willful blindness of those who insist on pretending otherwise, are not the tactical methods of violent extremism, terrorism, or even operative verbs such as jihad, but rather the historical and universally recognized Islamic strategic goal of implementing Sharia Law everywhere in the world, so that no other form of government, including the United States Constitution, is able to oppose its influence over the lives of those who must either submit to its authority, become second-class dhimmi citizens or perish.”

(h/t PJ Media)

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