Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump have the right military strategy to defeat the growing threat of Islamic terrorism.

Partial transcript as follows:

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump have the right military strategy to defeat the growing threat of Islamic terrorism.

Partial transcript as follows:

DICKERSON: Senator McCain, Senator Graham just mentioned the next president. We’ve talked about some pretty complex issues here which will face that next president. Would Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton be better in handling those issues?

MCCAIN: I don’t think either one of them have displayed what I think is the necessary strategy and outlook, the planning that — and reliance on our military leaders that will be necessary to succeed. I hope that whichever one is president, that they would call in the David Petraeus and Robber Fords, and the Ryan Crockers and those individuals, both military and State Department and diplomats who succeed in Iraq before the president gave it all away, who know what we need to do to defeat this — defeat this threat, both militarily and diplomatically in other ways, and either one of them should call them in and do what they recommend, and that way we can still succeed because America is still the strongest nation on earth.

DICKERSON: Senator —

GRAHAM: If I may add, John —

DICKERSON: Hold on, let me just follow up —

GRAHAM: If I mad add, John, I think both — both Clinton — sorry —

DICKERSON: Senator McCain, you mentioned a number of advisers there. I noticed that a number of our advisers, Randy Scheunemann, Kissinger, Armitage, Crystal, Kagan, James Woolsey have all either had serious questions about Trump or are openly against him.

GRAHAM: I think we lost him (ph).

DICKERSON: And I wondered why you’re supporting Donald Trump given our reservations and the reservations of the people you trust?

MCCAIN: Well, as I’ve said, I would support the nominee of the party. I have strong disagreements, and we’ve just been through several of them, and that’s my position.

DICKERSON: All right, and, Senator Graham, as a final thing here, would you just add what you were planning to before the time delay got in our way?

GRAHAM: I think Clinton and Trump both would have a conditions based withdrawal in Afghanistan. Whether it comes to Syria, when Trump says it’s OK for Assad to stay, it tells me he has no idea what that means for the region. Israel is in great threat from Iran. Iran is arming Hezbollah with precision-guided missiles. The trip from Israel was very unnerving to say the least. So the Syrian civil war is having an effect throughout the region. Mr. Trump, when you said Assad should stay, you need to rethink that. As to Secretary Clinton, she says she wants a no fly zone in Syria. That is a great step in the great direction.

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