A New Hampshire man’s life has changed dramatically since a stranger made a Facebook post about him last week, says a Fox 5 report.

Kyle Bigler works two full-time jobs, one of them at Dunkin Donuts. To get to his places of employment, Bigler walks, totaling 16 miles a day. Sometimes, he works 20-21 hours a day.

“He like knows my coffee, he knows everybody’s coffee. You just walk in and he’s so personable and he’s so kind,” said Joanna Griffiths.

Griffiths, a customer of his at Dunkin Donuts, realized the hard work Bigler puts in, and shared a picture of him, hoping to make him a viral sensation.

“I was like ‘What are you doing here?’ I’m like ‘You were working at 7:30 this morning. Was that you walking?’ And he was like ‘yup,’” Griffiths recalled.

The photo was shared over 20,000 times.

According to Bigler, he is just doing what he can so he can see his son and pay his bills.

“There are jobs everywhere, you just have to look. I mean if it’s a problem with someone not having a vehicle, I mean I walk eight miles,” said Bigler.

Some who saw the post have reached out to Bigler to offer him employment, but a local car company decided to give him one of their cars.

Ryan Parks, a sales manager at Autoserv, told reporters, “I thought we probably have a couple cars here that we could just donate to him so he doesn’t have to walk 20 miles a day.”

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