During Monday’s coverage of the Republican National Convention, CNN host Jake Tapper criticized the State Department’s handling of claims made by Patricia Smith about the death of her son in the Benghazi terror attack and that “It is hard to argue that there was adequate security.”

Tapper said, while discussing Smith and her speech at the RNC, that Smith was not the only one who claimed that Clinton blamed a YouTube video for the attacks, something Clinton denies doing.

He added, “It is, just as an — a political observer, a reporter, and analyst, I never really quite understood why there wasn’t more outreach to Patricia Smith by the State Department and more when she started going public and talking about her concerns and talking about her anguish and grief. I don’t really have the answer to that.”

He added that Smith places the blame for the attack on Clinton, because, according to her, the State Department was in charge of security and provided inadequate security, and “It is hard to argue that there was adequate security.”

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