During an interview with MSNBC on Monday, former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) blasted the rejection of a roll call vote on the rules at the Republican National Convention.

Cuccinelli said, “[T]his is infuriating to watch an RNC-run convention roll right through the same gaveling through of people following the rules they did in 2012. This is really appalling. This is the party of law and order. I was an attorney general. That was — that matters to me, and if you won’t obey your own rules, there’s no reason to think you’ll obey any others. And we’ve got RNC trampling their own grassroots delegates. And for most of us here, this was about getting good grassroots rules and getting a voice in the vote. You’ve got unbinding people over there. … but that is not where this all came from.”

He added, “They cheated. I mean, that’s what you just saw. You saw them violate their own rules. And, if the rules don’t matter, I’m not quite sure why we spend all this time writing them.”

Cuccinelli also stated, “[W]e were furious about the treatment Thursday, but disappointed in a set of rules that centralized more and more and more power in the RNC and its chairman instead of going the other way. We put in amendments to protect, to actually fix the problems identified by Donald Trump, like those selection committees that picked delegates behind closed doors. … We put in attempts to fix that. They voted them down. We put in amendments that get rid of the nominations committees that Trump people universally hated all across the country. We tried to fix that. they voted them down. We were trying to do the right thing for the grassroots. And we’re not just former Cruz delegates, we have Kasich and Trump and people who never committed to anybody yet, supporting this effort.”

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