Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough offered his thoughts on first lady Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech a night earlier.

Scarborough likened Obama’s “hope and optimism” in her speech to former President Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984 and then-Sen. Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004.

“Again, I’ve got to draw my attention to Republicans right now who see me with clinched fist up in the air cheering Michelle Obama’s speech to say, I don’t know that Michelle Obama would appreciate that, what I’m about to say, but her optimism and her hope reminded me of Ronald Reagan, who could talk about all of the problems that we were having and then look right at the audience, but always end by saying, I believe that America’s greatest days truly do lie ahead. Despite all the problems that we are facing as a country, despite all of the problems that we have in our economy, despite all of the challenges across the globe, we are Americans. Look where we have been. Look where we are. Look where we are going.

“And Michelle Obama, again, like Barack Obama in 2004, like Ronald Reagan in 1984, like Ronald Reagan in 1980, she spoke the truth,” he added. “We are the last best hope for a dying world. And if you can’t get behind that message as a Republican or a Democrat, then let me buy you a ticket to another country. Because we are the greatest country on the face of the Earth. And I’m proud of where we are and where we’ve been.”

(h/t Legal Insurrection)

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