On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Charles Woods, whose son, Tyrone, was killed in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, stated that Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should apologize “for lying to the American families who lost their loved ones, as well as to the American public. She hasn’t apologized for that yet. In fact, she’s even doubled down and called us liars,” and is “directly responsible for the death of my son.”

Woods began by saying that Clinton lied to him and other family members about the nature of the Benghazi attack, and that he would like Clinton to “come clean and to tell the truth. I would like to know, personally, why there was no rescue attempt made. If there had been a rescue attempt, my son would still be alive.”

Woods further said that he has lots of “empathy” of Gold Star families, and that Humayun Khan was “patriotic” and a “moderate Muslim.” And that people should think about moderate Muslims, who are American citizens and have the same national security concerns as everyone else. He added that radical jihadist groups like ISIS also kill moderate Muslims.

He then stated, “I think that Hillary Clinton proved at Benghazi that she was incapable of protecting 35 of her own employees, so how could she possibly protect 330 million Americans in their home?”

Woods was then asked if he thought Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump owed the Khan family an apology. Woods said that he hadn’t followed the news and isn’t familiar with what had been said, but agreed with Trump’s assessment that Khan was hero.

Woods added, “I know who should apologize, and that would be Hillary Clinton, for lying to the American families who lost their loved ones, as well as to the American public. She hasn’t apologized for that yet. In fact, she’s even doubled down and called us liars, which is not appropriate, not at all. Because, like I say, either she’s lying or she has a bad memory.”

Woods further said, “Well, my son would still be alive if Mrs. Clinton was performing her job properly as Secretary of State. So, in good conscience, I cannot vote for the person who was directly responsible for the death of my son. There is only two choices, and obviously, I support Donald Trump. And the main reason is, because national security, as well as the economy, are the two most important issues that voters are going to have to decide upon next November.”

He concluded, after being asked if he wished Trump would stop talking about the Khans, by saying that he hasn’t followed the news closely and isn’t familiar with whole story. After being asked again, Woods responded, “When Hillary Clinton on several occasions has called the Benghazi victims’ families liars…should she apologize for that?”

(h/t Grabien)

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