Wednesday on CNN’s, “At This Hour,” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s Republican primary opponent businessman Paul Nehlen said, “We wouldn’t even have borders” if it were up to Ryan.

Nehlen said, “Paul Ryan’s more aligned with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on their top three initiatives. Look at Trans-Pacific Partnership, amnesty and the jailbreak crime legislation that will release tens of thousands of people out of prison and make life difficult for all of us. So Paul Ryan’s aligned with them—I’m not surprised Donald Trump wouldn’t endorse him.”

He continued, “A lot of people say he’s aligned with Hillary Clinton. I mean, look at his donations. Paul Ryan is for this Trans Pacific Partnership. It sells our jobs overseas. Paul Ryan has got a 20-year career—career politician—who is all for open borders. Paul Ryan—we wouldn’t even have borders if it was for Paul Ryan… I’ll tell you what, you ought to start reporting it now because Paul Ryan is not for securing the borders. Paul Ryan has met with dreamers.”

He added, “Yeah, I’ll tell you, Paul Ryan has said America’s more than its borders, it’s more than this, it’s more than that. We have to have a secure border first in order to have a nation. Paul Ryan hasn’t funded that wall, that double-layered, 700-mile wall that we got through Congress in 2006. He has said that he’s not for the wall.”

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