National Journal Senior Political Columnist Ron Fournier stated that people “very close to the Clintons” told him that Clinton’s private email server “was all about…the foundation…the blurring of the lines between their political and professional lives. That’s what was in the emails,” on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Fournier said, “people very close to the Clintons, including a source who’s working with the Clintons for more than two decades who told me the week that the New York Times exposed this rogue server that what this was all about was the foundation, that — the blurring of the lines between their political and professional lives. That’s what was in the emails, was sort of — look for the pay to play. This kind of favor-giving.”

He added, “This should be blowing everything out of the water, and it’s not, because Donald Trump yesterday suggested that Hillary Clinton should be shot for her political views. This is a guy who has talked about violence, in the past, before, whose explanation for his remarks yesterday do not hold water, as you’ve been talking about for the last hour and ten minutes. And until and unless he condemns violence against his opponent, and apologizes for his remark, he is, in fact, encouraging violence. that is what he’s doing. And that is totally unacceptable and that is the biggest story today, and that should be. There’s no equivalence between these two stories.”

Fournier further corrected himself by noting that the newly-released emails about the foundation are not from Clinton’s server, but stated that fact is “not exculpatory.”

He also argued, “[T]his is part of a pattern with the Clintons, who really, if — to give them the benefit of the doubt. They believe that they are doing the right thing, and they believe that the ends justify the means. The problem is, in politics, the ends don’t justify the means, and they have undermined their entire credibility, and maybe her presidential campaign with this kind of behavior.”

(h/t GOP War Room)

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