Wednesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh had to say he was not joking or kidding when discussing a “Daily Caller,” article by Jamie Weinstein that actually proposed a “negotiated Republican surrender” to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Rush said, “Does the name Jamie Weinstein ring a bell?  He is a reporter for the Daily Caller. He’s the boyfriend of the female reporter supposedly shoved to the ground by Corey Lewandowski, Michelle Fields. Anyway Jamie Weinstein has a piece in the Daily Caller suggesting that the Republican party approach Hillary Clinton and negotiate a surrender and actually concede the presidential race her right now.”

Talking to his producer, Rush insisted, “No, no, no, I’m not joking! The headline, ‘The Case For A Negotiated Republican Surrendered to Hitler — Hillary’—sorry It was a faux pas. ‘It’s time for Republican leaders to consider a negotiated endorsement of Hillary Clinton.’ That’s the lead. And his point is Trump’s going to lose and even if Trump wins, Hillary’s better. Hillary would be less damaging to conservatism then Trump is going to be. And maybe — he actually says this — now look at me — actually says that we might be able, if we did this right, if the right Republicans, like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, went up to Hillary and her campaign and actually surrendered, cancel the campaign and concede that she’s a winner and make her president in waiting, maybe she would give us Antonin Scalia’s replacement. Let us pick. I’m not kidding you.”

He added, “That she might be able to be talked into that. She might be amenable, in exchange for us conceding the presidential election. This is not Trump involved in it. It’s the Republican party essentially going to Hillary — ‘OK, we’re going to lay down our arms we’re not going to pull, you know, we’re not gonna do anything. Trump’s out there on his own doing what he’s doing. We’re going to concede the presidency to you. We are going do everything we can to see to it you win the election and all we want is the chance to pick Scalia’s replacement.’”

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