On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” while commenting on whether or not Clinton Foundation donors got preferential treatment from Hillary Clinton’s State Department, Republican vice-presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN) called for investigation into any potential pay-to-play arrangements.

Partial transcript as follows:

WALLACE: Do you believe that Hillary Clinton was involved in a pay-to-play arrangement as secretary of state with big donors of the Clinton Foundation?

PENCE: Well, it looks that way more and more every day, doesn’t it? We — the new e-mails that have been made public just in the last week seem to make a direct connection between favors done by State Department officials and major foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation. The American people have a right to know. I think people of this country are tired of the pay to play politics in Washington D.C., and I promise you that when Donald Trump and I arrive at the White House, we’re going to bring all of that to an end.

WALLACE: Do you have any evidence that she actually took action as a result of these big donations? And when you say, the American people have a right to know, do you think there should be an investigation, a federal investigation?

PENCE: Well, certainly, there are officials at the FBI. We also found out this week — believe that there should be an investigation, and Obama’s Department of Justice apparently has shut that down. But look, these are very serious allegations. Now, we have evidence in writing, in this e-mail chain, of connections between foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation and —

WALLACE: But did she take action in response to that?

PENCE: Well, I think that’s what we need to find out. We really do. The public has a right to know, because this — really and truly, this is exactly the kind of pay to play politics the American people are sick and tired of.  But frankly, it is just one more example of the way I do believe that the Clintons have been operating over the last 30 years. And it’s one of the reasons why the American people have a fixed opinion about Hillary Clinton and her trustworthiness, and why we so much need to elect Donald Trump as the next president of the United States. It’s important for our security, for our prosperity, but also, we have to make sure that the highest standards of ethics are in the highest office in the land, and that will happen the day Donald Trump becomes president of the United States.

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