On Monday’s broadcast of “MSNBC Live,” Clinton surrogate former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell (D) said that while he doesn’t think the Clinton Foundation should be shut down, they should “set up the strongest Chinese wall” between the Clintons and any fundraising done by the Clinton Foundation.

Rendell argued that the Clinton Foundation shouldn’t be shut down “because the Clinton Foundation has provided medicine to ten and a half million people around this world, that stopped them from dying, people who had AIDs or HIV. The Clinton Foundation saved 50,000 children in places like Kenya and Malawi from death. The foundation has done incredible good things, we lose focus on that. If you ask the people of the world, do you want the Clinton Foundation shut down? They’d give you a resounding no, because of the good that it has done.”

He continued, “Now, should there be a wall between the Clintons and any fundraising going forward? Yeah, I think so, absolutely. I would set up the strongest Chinese wall they could. Could it be turned over to partners or people the Clintons trust to run for the next four or eight years if the secretary becomes president, without any of her knowledge of who’s contributing? Yes, I think that can be done. But we don’t to want lose the good work of the Clinton Foundation, anymore than we to want lose the good work that George W. Bush’s foundation has done. They have been two things that have created incredible goodwill for America, and incredible good for the world.”

(h/t Real Clear Politics)

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