Monday after his campaign appearance at the Labor Day Parade Celebration in Pittsburgh, PA, Vice President Joe Biden told CNN’s Jeff Zeleny that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton  knows voters have suspicions about her.

Partial transcript as follows:

ZELENY: Why do people have suspicions about her? She has been in public life. She hasn’t opened up or is it because of her own doing?

BIDEN: Look I have a bad habit of saying what I believe and sometimes saying all I mean here. The truth is, Hillary Clinton knows it’s a problem. And she is trying to figure out how to remedy it. My advice to her, the best way to remedy is, is to talk about what you care about. Talk about it with passion. People will see through it. This is gonna be, and you know better than I do, Jeff, this could be the most negative campaign in the history of modern politics, I think. So my question is, is anybody going to be able to break through what is just, you know, sort of the notion of a ‘pox on both your houses.’  And that’s why you hear her talking more explicitly about what she will do and how she will change things.

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